bad photography makes for good storytelling
Bad Aboriginal photography is an exhibition of cheeky works by three Indigenous Australian artists: Brenda L Croft, Destiny Deacon and Tracey Moffatt curated by Stephen Zagala , Monash Gallery of Art.
In different ways each artist in the exhibition venture into the badlands of social etiquette. Croft speculates about her father’s mysterious past, Deacon makes fun of Aboriginal stereotypes, and Moffatt finds entertainment in personal trauma. With a sense of mischief and humour, these artists explore the underbelly of public history and personal memories.
As well as being bad or naughty in attitude, these artists also embrace the badness of low-quality photography. Motion blur, flash bulb flares, haphazard composition, poor light and fuzzy focus haunt the images in this exhibition. By using modest and popular forms of visual communication, like those found in snapshot photography and family albums, these artists aim to engage the audience in active storytelling rather than passive contemplation.
Bad Aboriginal Photography is an exhibition developed by Monash Gallery of Art.