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  • Donation type
  • Your Details
  • Payment

Choose a donation option

  • KHT Building Expansion

    Partner with us in building a new and expanded KHT.

  • One-off donation

    Provide a much needed one-off donation to where the need is greatest.

  • Regular donation

    Make a lasting difference and donate every month to provide ongoing support where the need is greatest for our community.

Select how regular you'd like to donate

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Yearly

Select an amount

  • $20

    could support our public programs that bring Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples together in the spirit of reconciliation.

  • $50

    could support the digitisation of our collection enabling online access for our regional and remote communities.

  • $100

    could support our exhibitions program that nurtures the next generation of young and emerging Koorie visual artists.

  • $200

    could support our oral history program which records the memories of our elders for future generations.

  • $500

    could help build our unique and irreplaceable collection through acquiring Koorie artworks and objects.

  • $Other

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Expiry Year
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