Arthur A Cole

Arthur A Cole

Event status:
9 February – 9 March 2012

Koorie Heritage Trust, 295 King Street, Naarm (Melbourne) Naarm

STRAKE</br>Arthur A Cole

STRAKE is a photographic exploration of random rock sculptures, motorcycles and bodysurfing influenced by association with Australian outlaws, reconciliation, fringe dwelling and an unrealised naval career.

Arthur Cole’s STRAKE exhibition explores his unique life journey, from the first Aboriginal biker gang member to Church Minister and his redemptive walk from Queensland to Victoria. During this journey Cole produced varied sculptures made from materials of the natural environment, that called him to create such works. Cole felt that the energy coming from the earth inspired and held the work together. Cole’s work is represented in a narrative series of dynamic photographs, video and relics from his life. His new philosophical outlook and reconciliation with family and friends has brought about this sometimes sentimental, intriguing and visually captivating experience not to be missed.

Arthur Cole is from Minjungbal in Northern NSW/Queensland

Mountain Bike (c) 2011 Arthur Cole