Trails of Feeling

Trails of Feeling is an interactive walking trail developed in collaboration between the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions and the Koorie Heritage Trust. It draws inspiration from The Another View Walking Trail that was established in 1995.

This trail attempted to challenge the colonial histories connected to Melbourne CBD’s built environment, and re-presence Aboriginal people and culture, through the installation of artworks that responded to specific sites in the city. Trails of Feeling builds upon the original historical approach of The Another View Walking Trail to propose a new emotional framework for reflecting on Australian history.

Over the course of the trail, the remaining three sites of The Another View Walking Trail are re-animated to emphasise local Aboriginal histories, stories and beliefs which have been obscured, but never diminished by the changing environment. Through the sites’ multi-temporal histories, we invite you to explore meaning and memory in Melbourne’s CBD and deepen your emotional understanding of both past and present. It is not until we understand and acknowledge the past that we can being to heal and live in the present.

Significant consultation and research was undertaken with key stakeholders over the course of the development of this project. Another View Walking Trail was originally approved by the Wurundjeri Tribe Land and Compensation, Cultural Heritage Council and the Melbourne Foundation Day Committee and commissioned by the City of Melbourne.

Click the image below to explore Trails of Feeling

Trails of Feeling Hero Image